The Dale Carnegie Course

In 2011, I had a life changing experience when I attended the Dale Carnegie Course.

I owe virtually everything in my life to this program. In 8 weeks time, I was given the methods and models to begin to become the person I had the potential to be. Because of this course, I am a better friend, father, spouse, and professional. As my instructor said,

“You aren’t here to take a course, you are here to set a course for the rest of your life.”

Today, I am blessed to be certified to instruct this program. When peoples ask me what it’s like to facilitate a Dale Carnegie Program, I can only describe it like this:

I get to watch miracles happen.

In the Dale Carnegie Program you equip you to:

  • Build Self-Confidence

  • Develop People Skills

  • Enhance Communication Skills

  • Strengthen Leadership Skills

  • Manage Stress In A Healthy Way

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